Showing 50 Result(s)
Coaches, Reading, Teachers

Why Does Guided Reading Get Top Billing?

I’ve lost count of the times teachers are asked about the fidelity of guided reading in their classrooms during a data meeting when students’ achievement (or the lack of) is being discussed. There are other components of a balanced approach to language arts instruction and I’m confused as to why they are so easily forgotten. …

Campus Admins, Coaches, Leadership, PLC

Top Tier Instructional Coaches: How They Do the Work

Last week I visited a campus for a scheduled day-long session. I was early so the instructional coach and I chatted about her life outside school, books she’s currently reading, a recent training opportunity she’d had. When I asked Evelyn how she felt about the day ahead of us, she shared where she felt the …

Campus Admins, Coaches, Leadership, Teachers

Managing Expectations: It Really Is All About the Kids

Years ago, I was part of a group trained in my district to be a Curriculum Facilitator. That’s a fancy title for the person who represented their campus at district curriculum writing meetings. My title meant that I wrote curriculum with a team of other teachers based on input from the teachers I represented from …

Accountability, Campus Admins, Coaches, Teachers

Seven Reasons I’m Crushing On This First Grade Team

I recently met with an exceptional group of first grade teachers for a follow-up session to a training on a new assessment system their district is implementing this year. The previous meeting had been a quick training on the basics of how to administer the assessment. They had asked some insightful questions in the initial …

Coaches, Reading, Teachers

Fiction Text Comprehension: Keep It Simple

Less, but better.  –Dieter Rams “Dieter Rams (born 20 May 1932 in Wiesbaden, Hessen) is a German industrial designer closely associated with the consumer products company Braun and the functionalist school of industrial design. Rams was strongly influenced by the presence of his grandfather, a carpenter. Rams once explained his design approach in the phrase ‘Weniger, …

Campus Admins, Coaches, Teachers

Schools and Families: Allies or Adversaries?

Lucy: “I’m so excited it’s Valentines Day and we have a party later.” Me: “Wow, you’re dressed up for Valentines Day today with a glittery pink T-shirt and your pink fingernail polish with glitter matches your shirt!” Lucy: “I am. My mom woke me up early this morning and she told me to come to …
