Showing 41 Result(s)
Coaches, Leadership, Reading, Teachers

Text Structures and Readers: It’s a Big Deal

Fifteen years ago in preparation to facilitate a PD session for teachers, I spent hours reading everything I could about text structure in expository texts. I was struck by how much I learned and how little I’d done to adequately prepare students to recognize and use knowledge of the types of structures authors use in …

Valinda Kimmel
Campus Admins, Coaches, Leadership, Reading, Teachers

What Must We Do For Kids Who Can’t Read?

Kids Who Can’t Read Teacher: “I’m looking at this running record for Andrew (5th grade student) and he can’t read words with multiple syllables. When’s he’s stuck and he tries to decode, I notice he doesn’t even really know vowel sounds.” Admin: “Which STAAR practice group is he in?” Teacher: “He meets with Ms. Pratt, …


Compliance: It’s Killing Our Teachers

I see it every day. Typical scenario– Me: Let’s start by celebrating. Please share with us something you’re celebrating about student learning or you can celebrate about your own learning.  *Crickets* Me: What would you share with us that you’re celebrating. *Again, silence* One brave teacher: I think we’re all a little overwhelmed and frankly …


Reading Intervention for Middle School Students

Last week I returned for several days of educational support in a district in the Upper Midwest. The district I support there has been working to get all systems aligned in their Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). It has been about eight weeks since they started their intervention groups using Fountas and Pinnell’s Leveled Literacy …

Valinda Kimmel
Coaches, Kidlit, Leadership, Reading, Teachers

Scholastic Reading Summit Austin 2019

What a great reading summit Scholastic had in Austin, Texas on July 16. Highlights for me: Jenni Holm being interviewed by John Schu. Donalyn Miller’s keynote. Yuyi Morales keynote to close out the summit. This was the highlight of the summit for me. #brilliantartist #beautifulsoul Getting to meet the 130+ educators in the breakout session …


Summer Professional Learning: These Six Things by Dave Stuart Jr.

I’ve followed Dave Stuart Jr. for several years now. He is a teacher, author, speaker and thought-leader. His work has deeply impacted my thinking (and, I hope, my practice) as an educator. Dave started out by exhorting teachers to adopt a common-sense approach to the Common Core. Dave’s message has evolved to address more than a widely …


Teachers Work Too Hard–What Can We Do About It?

All last week I worked with upper elementary reading teachers. We pored over data. We identified standards that must be retaught in the weeks up to our state assessment. We designed mini-lessons. We strategically placed kids in strategy groups and created small group instruction. We made a ton of formative assessments to inform about student …

Campus Admins, Coaches, Leadership, Teachers

Teaching Advice from a TV Personality

Who knew that Jim Cramer, host of CNBC’s show, Mad Money would speak truth to this 30 year veteran educator? Cramer, who is co-founder of TheStreet, Inc., a best-selling author, with previous experience as a stockbroker and hedge fund manager, has something to say to those of us in education. And what he says is worth …
