Showing 117 Result(s)
Accountability, Campus Admins, Coaches, Teachers

Seven Reasons I’m Crushing On This First Grade Team

I recently met with an exceptional group of first grade teachers for a follow-up session to a training on a new assessment system their district is implementing this year. The previous meeting had been a quick training on the basics of how to administer the assessment. They had asked some insightful questions in the initial …

Reading, Teachers

Taking Instruction in Nonfiction Text Structures to a Deeper Level

If we want students to fully comprehend nonfiction text, we must provide powerful instruction in the types of text structures authors typically use. In the past I gave a gentle nod to the text structure unit, but lately I’m rethinking my mild indifference. Non-fiction text structures guide the reader in knowing how an author organizes …

Coaches, Reading, Teachers

Fiction Text Comprehension: Keep It Simple

Less, but better.  –Dieter Rams “Dieter Rams (born 20 May 1932 in Wiesbaden, Hessen) is a German industrial designer closely associated with the consumer products company Braun and the functionalist school of industrial design. Rams was strongly influenced by the presence of his grandfather, a carpenter. Rams once explained his design approach in the phrase ‘Weniger, …

Leadership, Teachers

Who Sits In the Big Chair? Three Tips for Building Collaborative Partnerships with Teachers

A couple of years ago, I attended a day-long session facilitated by Jim Knight on using video as a tool for instructional coaching. Jim started the day with his Partnership Principles. I was equally inspired and mortified. I was inspired to learn more about how I can strengthen the partnerships with teachers I support, but …

Campus Admins, Coaches, Teachers

Schools and Families: Allies or Adversaries?

Lucy: “I’m so excited it’s Valentines Day and we have a party later.” Me: “Wow, you’re dressed up for Valentines Day today with a glittery pink T-shirt and your pink fingernail polish with glitter matches your shirt!” Lucy: “I am. My mom woke me up early this morning and she told me to come to …

Kidlit, Reading, Teachers

Reading Books Aloud–Teaching Readers, Knitting Hearts

“I wish I had known that last year,” whispered Imena. Seated between Imena and Adi in the back of their 3rd grade classroom, after listening to their teacher read Rough Face Girl, I asked what life lessons they were considering. Imena said, “The lesson I take from Rough Face Girl is to be strong in …
