I want every child, adolescent and teen to love learning. That desire doesn’t necessarily reside in the heart of every kid, though. Many times, that passion must be nurtured by caring adults. Teachers and school staff are in a unique position to facilitate an environment where students can discover and internalize a lifelong love of learning.
The most effective educators, I believe, are those committed to personal transformation. Teachers dedicated to professional learning ensure that their students can realize academic and personal growth.
Through collaboration with teachers, coaches and campus administrators we can develop individualized, interactive learning opportunities that lead to transformative practices.
I work with campus administration to target areas for improvement and develop a plan of action. We look at maximizing current resources and staff to design a blueprint for continuous improvement. When necessary, we can work together to include appropriate research-based strategies and resources to maximize student learning.
Collaborative Coaching-
Partnerships with instructional coaches and teachers are my passion and my expertise. I actively listen and enter into inquiry with teams for the purpose of identifying key areas for growth. Together, coaches, teachers and I design a plan for improving student learning with an emphasis on individual student needs, instruction aligned to standards, focus on increased student engagement and creation of formative assessments to drive subsequent instruction.
Professional Development-
The face of professional learning for teachers and support staff is changing. I design trainings to meet the specific needs of campuses. The model of “sit and get” teacher learning is outdated and ineffective for today’s educators. I offer interactive, innovative learning sessions with strategies for student learning that can be immediately applied to classrooms for grades K-8.
Classroom Learning Demonstration-
We know that “one-off” trainings are not as effective without thoughtful follow-up and individual accountability. I partner with teachers, coaches and administrators to provide pre-planning, demonstration and debrief sessions to maximize teacher practice and student learning. This is a powerful protocol for change when professional development is paired with follow-up support and feedback for teachers and support staff.
Valinda Kimmel, Dr. Mary Howard & Stephanie Harvey at NCTE 2018 in Houston TX.

Donalyn Miller and Valinda Kimmel presented at the TCTELA 2018 in Galveston, TX.

Valinda Kimmel and Tanny McGregor. Valinda helped out by creating sketchnotes of her session at NCTE 2018 in Houston, TX